Newspaper Music


Newspaper headlines, catchy phrases and the newspaper itself are the material for a musical improvisation. 


Have a look at your newspaper. Are there headings, phrases or words that appeal to you? Maybe they sound funny or they are shocking, provocative, spectacular... Copy these phrases and words onto a notepad. (Anmerkung: Dieser Prozess kann vom Lehrer abgekürzt werden, indem er selbst Phrasen zur Auswahl vorgibt.)

Exchange your words and phrases with your partner. Select words or phrases you can imagine using in a short improvisation? Explore the rhythm of these words and phrases, reciting them in different ways. Repeat your rhythmically spoken phrase over and over again simultaneously to your partner’s rhythmical phrase.

Add one phrase pattern after the other to create a 3 or 4 voice composition.

Now take the newspaper itself. Explore different ways of playing with it:
rustling (rascheln), tearing/ripping (zerreissen), banging (knallen), scrunching it up (zusammenknüllen) and so on.

Make a two-minute improvisation with your group adding the newspaper sounds to your rhythmical newspaper phrases. Exchange your impressions afterwards. Which part was convincing (überzeugend) in your opinion? What could you improve? Was the beginning and ending interesting? Keep the following in mind: Newspaper sounds are fairly quiet. Did you nevertheless accomplish some change of dynamics? Did you build up some tension? Maybe working with contrasts is an option.

Present your improvised newspaper music to class. Compare the different improvisations in class.

Lizenz dieses Textes: Creative-Commons-Lizenz

Autorschaft: Noppeney Gabriele